Happy Accidents in Malifaux
At some point last year, I realized I was behind the trends in painting. Of course, the big trends have always been mostly the same: wet blending, NMM, dipping, Airbrushing, etc. However, the one I had completely overlooked until recently was washes.
I have used inks for a long time and still keep a bottle of Chestnut and a really old bottle of Flesh
Ink. However, about a year ago, when I started working on Malifaux models, I picked up some washes after hearing about the magic of Devlan Mud.
Like any technique, washes need a bit of practice before you understand exactly how to use them and now that I've had some time to with them, I'm starting to get excited to bring them back to my Space Hulk and Necro projects.
One of my experiments with washes is The Dreamer. I picked him up somewhat randomly, as he'd been mixed in with my Puppet Wars models and, looking at the white basecoat, I thought I'd have a go at him.
What I'm left with is a model undercoated white and painted entirely with washes. Sepia for his hair, Umber for his nightshirt, red for his blanket and a mix of blue, red and umber for his skin. So, to clarify, no paint went on this model at all.
The effect is close to what I wanted and he looks almost like a ghost. I have some more work to do on him and I am thinking about some more modeling (I don't like his lips….he may be more creepy if I take away his lips), but overall, for five minutes worth of painting, I am quite impressed.
So yeah. Washes. Very cool.
More to come,
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